"These antibiotics will destroy your liver,"

the doctor said to Joe.

"Or, you can go home to die..."

By Duncan Cary Palmer

November, 2016. In only three days, families all over America would be gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving.

On his third hospitalization in four months, Joe (not his real name) was battling a severe blood/bacterial infection. An encapsulated abscess had formed on his aortic valve. Another heart valve was leaking, and his pacemaker was not able to correct the resulting problems.

The most powerful antibiotics available were being administered by I/V every four hours around the clock. Joe's step-daughter was visiting him, wondering what would happen next, when Joe's doctor walked into the room.

 "These antibiotics are going to destroy your liver,"

the doctor said,

“Alternatively, we could simply take you off of the antibiotics and let you go home.” It was just a few days before Thanksgiving. “You will probably make it to Thanksgiving,” Joe's doctor continued, “but don’t expect to see Christmas. Your heart will fail before then.”

"I was NOT happy with that doctor’s bedside manner,"

Joe's stepdaughter told me. "At that time, my step-dad couldn’t feed himself, couldn’t even stand, and getting him to the bathroom was very difficult. Then they sent my step-dad home, and put him on hospice care."

"When they first checked him in, the hospice staff didn’t even give him a week to live. They didn’t think he was going to last very long at all."

"I had bought my SILVERengines proton a while before, but hadn’t yet begun to use it at all. When they sent my step-dad home, and put him on hospice care, I remembered that I had bought a proton. I said to myself, 'I’m going to try the silver water.'”

In a few minutes, I'll let her tell you the rest of the story.

Joe had an MRSA infection.

MRSA,  or methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, is a form of contagious bacterial infection that is resistant to numerous antibiotics. In July, 2014, the UK Prime Minister commissioned a report on anti-microbial resistance (AMR). The report was published in May, 2016. Quoting from the summary:

"We estimate that by 2050, 10 million lives a year and a cumulative 100 trillion USD of economic output are at risk due to the rise of drug- resistant infections if we do not find proactive solutions now to slow down the rise of drug resistance. Even today, 700,000 people die of resistant infections every year."

The powerful antibiotics Joe's doctors had prescribed were not working.

Let that thought sink in for a moment.

We have a natural tendency to trust our doctors and other medical professionals. We literally trust them with our lives. But there was a serious problem with the antibiotics Joe was prescribed. Not only were they not working, they were actually destroying his liver.

Today's stark reality is that we are all facing an epic failure of the medical establishment. This failure of conventional antibiotics will ultimately touch every one of our lives. The problem is only expected to get progressively worse.

If your doctor can't help you with MRSA, is there anything you can do?

Thank God, there is an ancient, natural remedy. Pure silver ions are effective against all known single-cell pathogens.

Silver has been proven effective against even MRSA and other anti-microbial resistant (AMR) bacteria. Joe's step-daughter gave Joe silver ion water to help him through.

The report below, archived at Pennsylvania State University, contains  references to almost fifty scholarly papers supporting the wonderful efficacy of silver:


But let's let Joe's step-daughter finish her story:

"I used my proton to make a fresh jar of silver each day for him to drink. After six days on the silver water, his shaking started to subside, and he was able to start feeding himself. By day ten there was a huge improvement in his physical ability to get around."

"Not only did he make it to Christmas,"

"but my step-dad is doing even better now, three months after the doctor’s dire pronouncement."

"He can walk without shaking. He can even get himself to the kitchen to make a sandwich. His breathing is noticeably better. Ninety nine percent (99%) of the time, all his shaking is gone. I believe the silver worked, because according to both the doctor and the hospice people, he was not supposed to still be here."

"Hillside Hospice has been back to check on him, and they are astounded at his progress. We don’t know about the abscess on the aortic valve, but I’ll take any day that he is still here. Hospice didn’t even give him a week to live when they first checked him in. They didn’t think he was going to live long at all. The only thing we did was add the silver water to his diet."

"Without the SILVERengines proton, he would not be here today."

"Now we are using the silver water intermittently, ten days off and seven days on. He is maintaining an even balance, and is doing great."

As I write this today, it has been four and a half months since Joe's doctor pronounced his death sentence.

Joe continues to do great.

Why wasn't Joe's hospital using silver?

So far, the profit motive has been missing. Giant pharmaceutical companies cannot patent elemental silver, and so they must figure out how to incorporate it into products that they can charge an arm and a leg for.

Joe's is not an isolated case.

Although the most dramatic, Joe's case does not stand alone.
Read about others who have been helped.

Rich was afraid he would lose his house.

Rich, a firefighter, was seated across the table from me. "My sick leave ran out over a month ago."

"My  4-year old son was able to kiss my face for the first time in his life."

Aimee had contracted a stubborn MRSA infection, and her face was a mass of sores.

Duncan had a painfully abscessed tooth.

It was the weekend, and without dental insurance or a regular dentist, Duncan's options were limited.

These are a few of the life-changing results of owning a proton.

Will your story be added to the list one day?

Are you prepared to deal with MRSA?

Could you handle a "superbug" infection like the one that Joe had? Act today, and you can.

Own the appliance that is changing lives. While supplies last, you can order a SILVERengines proton today at a below-market price.

Don't think your proton will sit idle, waiting for an emergency...

There are many other uses for nano silver.


Rinse your mouth with silver water to freshen breath and strengthen gums. 


Fill a dollar-store spray bottle and disinfect any surface. 


Great for dealing with Pink Eye and eye infections.

Wound Care

Spray on wounds, or if possible, soak them. Can be mixed into a gel.

Ear Infections

Put drops in the affected ear, or flush with an ear bulb.

Many More!

Sinuses (nettipot), rashes, laundry sanitizing, pets, fishbowls, etc. 

Order Today while stock is available.

While we strive to keep the proton in stock, there have been times when demand has simply outstripped our ability to build, test, and ensure the quality of our product. And we don't expect to be able to maintain this special promtional pricing for long.

Place your order today to avoid seeing this: 

Our production capacity is presently limited.

As we move toward expanding production,
we are temporarily offering our present stock and existing production at a significantly below-market price. Don't miss out.
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Your Family:
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"Every family needs a proton
in their medicine cabinet"

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