One In A Million: What About PPM?
30 Years of Experience with Colloidal Silver
The SILVERengines proton produces 10ppm colloidal silver. But, what does that mean?
PPM, “Parts Per Million,” is a way to describe very small percentages of some substance when it is mixed in with something else. For the purposes of this article, that “something else” is pure, clear, distilled water that has zero salt and mineral content to begin with. 10ppm colloidal silver means that for every one million atoms in our fluid, 999,990 are pure H2O (water) and 10 atoms are pure silver.
Maybe you have some previous experience with colloidal silver, maybe you don’t. You may think you understand how to measure PPM, but bear with me for a minute.

What instrument, what tool are you using to make your measurements?
Do you know how to accurately determine the concentration of a batch of colloidal silver? Do you really have the right stuff to measure that, specifically? If you are using a standard TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meter, maybe you don’t.
Some people think—unfortunately quite incorrectly—that they can measure the concentration of colloidal silver accurately with a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meter.
The truth is that TDS meters are specifically designed to measure the salt and mineral content of water. What you may not realize, however, is that these “dissolved solids” are not measured directly. Instead, they are measured based on certain assumptions and inferences based on those assumptions.

Based on the conductivity that the meter measures, and the “magic formula” for salts and minerals, the TDS meter puts a number on its readout that is its best estimate, or approximation, of the TDS, i.e. the Total Dissolved Solids IF that is what is actually in the water.
No matter what you may have read or heard already—maybe from a friend, maybe on the internet—there are good, scientific ways to determine for yourself exactly what your SILVERengines proton colloidal silver making machine has produced for you.
The “thing” that a TDS meter actually measures is the electrical conductivity of the water it is testing. The underlying assumption is that most water, for example water that comes out of the tap in your kitchen sink, is ordinary drinking water. Every TDS meter you can buy “off the shelf” simply measures the conductivity of the water, making some allowance for water temperature, and then applies a mathematical formula based on the assumption that you are measuring typical drinking water that contains some amount of salts and minerals.
And so, for example, if your TDS meter reads “3” what it is actually telling you is something like this:
“I have measured a certain amount of conductivity in this water. Based on that measurement, if the water is ordinary drinking water, then it contains three parts salt and other minerals in every million parts of water.”
But here’s the thing that your TDS meter doesn’t know:
It isn’t testing drinking water! It’s testing a very special fluid; a fluid that began, not as drinking water, but as pure, highly distilled water. The water it began with didn’t have “Dissolved Solids” in it at all, it had no solids whatsoever.
In fact, the SILVERengines proton used the same method being used by the TDS meter to ensure that there were no solids in the water to begin with. It measured the electrical conductivity of the water before it began adding any silver to it.
So How Can I Measure the PPM (Parts Per Million) of Colloidal Silver?
We’re glad you asked. The best way to get an estimate of the PPM of silver in your results is with an EC (Electrical Conductivity) meter. These are readily available from Amazon. Measure the EC of your results, and multiply that by 1.1 — it’s as simple as that.
If you already have a TDS meter, you can use that; the resolution is not as good, but if you multipy your TDS reading by 2.5, you will get a reasonable approximation of the colloidal silver PPM.
How do I know this is the correct way to measure PPM?
Don’t take our word for it. Check out this article for complete details of how and why this is the way to make your measurements.
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